Call for papers to the speciall issue of the Eastern Journal of European Studies – Ukraine in the XXI century: the multidimensional challenges for the country and international community
The geopolitical importance of contemporary Ukraine and its specific position result in complicated, multidimensional processes and challenges, leading to variety of questions to be addressed by scholarly community. These are questions going beyond reflection on geopolitical and military aspects of the war against Ukraine, because Ukrainian history and current developments articulate wider problems faced by international community in the XXI century such as strength and weakness of liberal democracy, intensified international migrations, minorities, quality of governance, security threats and risks triggered by disinformation. Thus, Ukraine is an important case to study not only as a separate political entity, but as a political system entangled and indicative of the processes occurring on international scale in seemingly different political contexts. We invite authors with contributions, especially on the following topics:
- The impact of Russian aggression on Ukraine: political, ethnic, social and economic implications;
- The EU-Ukrainian relations and perspectives of Ukraine’s accession to the EU;
- The NATO-Ukrainian relations and perspectives of Ukraine’s accession to the NATO;
- Ukrainian refugees around the world;
- The challenges of reforming governance system in Ukraine; • Political, economic and social transformations in Ukraine;
- Relations between Ukraine and its neighbours;
- Place and role of Ukraine in the Baltic and Black Sea Region;
- The majority-minority relations and the minority rights in Ukraine: war implications and the EU adhesion perspective;
- Cultural (non-territorial) autonomy for protection of minorities in times of territorial; state-driven politics.
Besides the above mentioned themes, the guest editors are open to and welcome also papers that relate to other relevant topics on Ukraine from various research areas and methodological approaches
Deadlines and other details of the call can be found here: https://ejes.uaic.ro/special_issue.htm